Thursday, November 4, 2010

Switching between KDE and GNOME

If you’ve installed UBUNTU on your system, then the default desktop environment is GNOME. You can install KDE in UBUNTU through the following steps:
Open Ubuntu Software Centre.
Type Kubuntu and install Kubuntu Plasma Desktop system.Enter your password when prompted.
After the installation process is complete, log out and log in again. This time select KDE from the bottom of the log in screen.
However, you can only log out of KDE desktop environment back to the login screen. You will not have options like SHUTDOWN and RESTART in your KDE environment. This is because, although you login to KDE, the default display manager is still GDM (GNOME Display Manager).
If you want the (SHUTDOWN, RESTART etc.) options to appear in your KDE desktop environment, then you need to change the display manager to KDM (KDE Display Manager).
To do this, open up a terminal and type :
sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm
and follow the fairly intuitive steps.
If you log out and log in again, the options should be enabled. But if you login to GNOME then those options will be disabled for the same reasons as above.
To change the display manager to gdm, simply type
sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm.

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